Slop drum transferred from main deck into TOJ (Landing Area)
Slop drum transferred from main deck into TOJ (Landing Area)
Completed transfer slop drum into TOJ (Landing area)
Completed transfer slop drum into TOJ (Landing area)
Fin Fan Cooler Cleaning and Inspection (Removable Spool Removal)
AFCP Early Tie-in
Chiping, Brushing and Painting Anomaly
AGX Gas Gas Exchanger Bumper Protection
Bolt Tightening Activity FCP Early Tie-in
Welding Activity AFCP Early Tie-in
Chipping, brushing and Painting Anomaly
Bondstrand Pipe Repair
ACHE Cleaning and Inspection
AFCP Early Tie-in Leak Test
Emoc : Install Bumper Protection Gas Gas Exchanger
Replace Regulator Support
ANOA Slop Drum Replacement Spool Re-instatement
ACHE 2500 IRIS Inspection
AFCP Early Tie-in Leak Test
Anomaly Repair Painting ANOA Surge Vessel
Slop drum replacement - filling up water
Completed leak test and flange management on AFCP Early Tie-in
ACHE IRIS Inspection
Chipping, brushing and painting
Slop Drum Replacement - Fit-up new pipe to rectify spool leakage
ACHE 2500 - HP1 IRIS Inspection
A2 Choke Valve Replacement
Chiping, Brushing and Painting Pressurized System Anomaly on ANOA Cellar Deck
A2 Well Connection Leak Test
Emoc : Install Bumper Protection Gas Gas Exchanger
Furmanite Rectification (Bolt Replacement and Compound Injection)
Chipping, Brushing and Painting
Slop Drum Replacement - Spool Re-instatement
ACHE Cleaning and Inspection - Seal weld shoulder plug
Chipping, Brushing and Painting Anomaly
ACHE Cleaning and Inspection - Seal weld shoulder plug
PT Gearindo Prakarsa successfully support
the implementation of 2023 Annual Barge Campaign Project (BCP) on 10 June to 10
October 2023.